Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I survived summer, I think.

I work in a retail scenario that relies heavily on tourism. Don't get me wrong, we depend on local customers but buses, cruise ships, and vacationing patrons are our bread and butter for the year. I enjoy working and I love the company I work for but there have been moments that my job has been a little overwhelming. Overtime is nice but it also takes away from time to do other things like... cleaning. So, here I am, alone (husband is in Guam) trying to clean up three months of clutter and dinginess. I've done cleaning but not DEEP cleaning and I can always use more organization around my house. I am one of those people who could live with everything in its own container that is labeled with a list of what is inside. Yeah, I know. Everything should have its place. That's how my mind works. I could be a clean/neat freak but I just don't have the energy. I swear if some other life altering event happens, I will go mental and will compulsively clean everything. A dirty house makes me depressed and sad. For real. Which kind of sucks because I am the only person who cleans. I'm only one person though and three against one doesn't work to my advantage. Playing catch up before I go on vacation kind of suck grody nads but someone has to do it.

Since I have been busy with work, I have not gamed much at all. I still really enjoy Fallout and Skyrim but Rage is also really, really good as well. I'm kind of a Bethesda fangirl and I am looking forward to playing Dishonored. I'm hoping to play more once things slow down a work a little bit more. We'll see. As far as the weight loss goes, it's not going well for me. I went off a prescription grade diuretic and gained a good chuck of permanent water weight when I did that. Water weight fucking sucks. At least I'm not struggling to stay hydrated. My potassium and magnesium levels are finally normal too. I also changed birth control. With my PCOS, it's really hard to find something suitable. I'm sure this is the last thing any male reader what is read but hey, I am still female. I did gain a decent amount of muscle though but not enough IMO. I'm hoping to change that soon. Crossfit may be a winter project. Carbs are my mortal enemy but due to time constraints, I've been consuming them at "normal" American amounts. What can I say, a sandwich is easier and more filling than a salad. I stay away from white refined flour but sugar is also an issue for me. Salt detox was easy but sugar detox will be more challenging.
Yep, I'm still fluffy.

 Life in general has been OK. I've been felling really frustrated and curmudgeonly. Tomorrow my daughter will be turning four years old and I am really unsure how that much time has slipped away. She's such a smart, sweet, little girl but man, she is as stubborn and independent as I am. My husband hates it when we do something exactly the same or when we are in "twin" moods. I would change anything about her at all. She's the best thing I've done with my life, probably ever.
So with that, I bid you adieu. Until next time.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I'm stepping back up to the plate.

As confessed before, I am not very good at blogging. I am revamping this one and starting over.

Check out my ultra geeky Fallout: New Vegas shirt. Putting on this baby always reminds me I need to finish Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. I love both games with a passion but I am so not a completionist when it comes to game play. I'm into the game for the story mostly. I like getting into the characters and choosing the dialog. That's probably why I am such an ardent RPG player. It's like playing a novel sometimes and it seems that story lines and game series are only going to get more complex in the future. I'm also all for non-linear game play. I mean really, isn't life already linear enough? Wide open worlds and story lines make me a happy girl.

I'll also admit, I have been slacking in my game play as well. I've had Rage for about a week now and I have yet to put it into my 360. I was kind of shocked there are three disks to the game as well. I think my exact words upon opening it was, "Oh, wow. This isn't good. There goes another 150 hours of my spare time." Work, a three year old, and the daily grind of life in general has this girl wore out for the most part. So my free time at night is either spent watching various TV series on Netflix in bed or I go to bed early. Exciting right? Yeah, that's what I think too.

Life in general is good. I have no major complaints at the moment. I'm thankful to be where I am at in life even though I aspire to be a bit more than what I am currently. In the future, I'll let you all know how I feel about to the c-word - college.

For now, here's tonight's dinner:
Garlic hummus, mmmm.